Trying to Find Meaning

When asked which Church we go to, our default answer is Westside King's Church. While we have a history with that Church that goes back to its beginning, many regular attendees would be surprised to hear us say that it's "the Church we go to."  We don't go often, even though it's close by: a pleasant walk or short bike ride.  Why don't we go?  Busy life, shifting priorities ... lots of familiar reasons.

Shortly after Natasha was diagnosed last year, our dear family friend (more like a niece), Natalie, went to Westside with Natasha.  Later that day we learned that Natasha had asked to be prayed for.

Last week, Westside's Missions Director, Adam Bedford, completed a four part series of sermons call "Invisible: Ruth and the Guiding Hand"  Towards the end of his message, Adam shares Natasha's story.  He recalls that day last year when Natasha asked to be prayed over, and he quotes from one of her blog posts.

Searching for meaning around Natasha's illness, and her passing, will likely be a lifelong process for those who knew and loved her.  Adam's message is part of the search.  Thank you Adam.

Please take a listen to Adam's message, and how he wove Natasha into that message.  For a fuller context, you can listen to the first 3 parts of the series as well.

Our continued gratitude to the many people who continue to support and care for us as we continue this journey.