Saturday May 9...Update from Bill & Saskia

Yesterday, one week from the day we started this journey, we had a follow up meeting with Natasha’s Oncologist at Alberta Children’s Hospital.  During the 2.5 hour discussion, we wrestled with the question of whether or not to participate in clinical trials.  We were made aware of some of these trials through emails from friends and family (  It is no surprise that the Oncologist was familiar with such trials, and the people conducting them.  Professionals within the world of DIPG are well connected. We reviewed a number of trials, set aside the ones that were not applicable to Natasha’s specific condition, and discussed the few that were. 

It was not an easy discussion, and it was a thorough discussion.  With the guidance from the Oncologist, and the support of two dear friends who are doctors, we have decided that Natasha will remain in Calgary to begin radiation therapy.  Alberta Children’s Hospital and the Tom Baker Centre are highly regarded facilities.  We know that Natasha will be receiving the best care available. 

We continue to be in awe at the amount of people sending us messages of prayer, hope and support.  We are also constantly amazed by our children.  Natasha and Liam are quickly becoming shining examples for us to follow. 

We continue to focus on prayer: Faith, Hope and  Love. Faith in the things we cannot see. Hope that comes from God. Love conquers all!